Eszette Block Print Opens Pop-up Store in GINZA SIX!

India's oldest printing technology "block printing" was fascinated by NY-born designer Sarah Zelweger by chance. Eszette Block Print, a brand born from traditional techniques and her arrangements, will open a pop-up store on the 3rd floor of GINZA SIX = event space from June 2nd (Wednesday) to June 22nd (Tuesday). This print is all handmade and carefully crafted by craftsmen stamping wood carving blocks. Traditional techniques that have been lost in modern times. Designer Sarah nominates the preservation of technology and passing it on to the next generation, and is also committed to creating continuous employment in the still poor India.

Don't miss this opportunity for the first full-scale landing in Japan!

・ POP UP STORE schedule

Date: June 2nd (Wednesday) – June 22nd (Tuesday)
Location: GINZA SIX 3rd floor event space 〒104 0061 6-10-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Contact: Sotheby League 03 5412 1937

・ POP UP STORE limited release items

Japan limited JUDPHER DRESS ¥ 28,600

Japan limited DISCO PANTS ¥ 25,300

Japan limited TOTE BAG ¥ 17,600

・ [SZ Blockprints HISTORY]

Based in Jaipur, India SZ Blockprints uses blockprints, one of India's oldest printing techniques, to make a variety of items for women, children and homes. Increasingly, while inheriting and cherishing this traditional block print, we will also create employment for the people of Jaipur and strive to ensure sustainability in the creative, manufacturing and distribution processes. SZ Blockprints is the culmination of the passion of the life of designer Sarah Zellweger and the brand will continue to build on this idea.


