Overview of kokosil

“kokosil” is a portal site for information on the city.

You can view the map of and reviews on the location in an integrated manner.
Check the location you are interested in.It is compatible with English, Chinese (Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese), and Korean languages as well.

kokosil can be used not only on PCs but also on smartphones.

When you bookmark locations of interest on your PC, the bookmarked information will automatically be notified when you use your smartphone.

In addition to the above, the tour function enables you to enjoy services, such as tours that take you to the town’s sightseeing spots in order and audio guides that provide information for each location as if you have your own personal guide within the service area.
Enjoy your stroll around Ginza using kokosil

A special application must be downloaded in order to use the service on a smartphone.
The exclusive use application is currently available in the Android market!
Android Market

*Please be forewarned that this service may be suspended, or its design and/or functions may be changed without notice.

