We hold event "Precious gift to Dad" of father's day at Sabbath Sabbath Ginza Ginza main store.
Founded in 1920, Sabers Corporation, an international diamond jewelry brand that will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2020, will be holding an event to commemorate Father's Day on June 16 (Sun).
Saber holds Father's Day event "Precious gift to Dad" at Saber Ginza Ginza Main Store
Founded in 1920, Sabers Corporation, an international diamond jewelry brand that will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2020, will be held on Sunday, June 16 to commemorate Father's Day.
In this event named “Precious gift to Dad”, we will prepare a yellow rose and a message card in the Sabas Ginza Ginza Main Store, and give it to customers who have made a reservation for visit.
Please put the message of thanks to your yellow rose and give it to Father with a message of thanks.
If you have taken a picture of yourself with a rose and added a hashtag such as #Sabas Ginza to the SNS such as Instagram, we have prepared a wonderful gift.
In addition, those who can not pass directly because Father lives in the distance, have a bouquet prepared in the store, please take a photo. We will give a nice present to those who have added a hashtag to SNS such as Insta.
Date: June 16th, 2019 (Sun) 11:00-18:00
<Application method>
Please apply from the website of Subaru Ginza Ginza Main Store or apply directly to the store by phone.
Father's Day was established in 1910 by the advocate of the American dot lady.
The custom of giving yellow roses is greatly influenced by the Father's Day Yellow Ribbon Campaign held by the Japan Fathers Day Committee, which was established in 1981. This campaign enlightens the yellow color of family love and respect as the image color of Father's Day.
Sabbath Ginza is a precious gift for fathers who is more precious (precious) to show to his father the photographs of the lively appearance of the daughter and daughter with yellow roses with a feeling of gratitude. thinking about.
We look forward to your visit.
Sabbath Ginza Ginza Main Store: Ginza 4-chome, Chuo-ku 6-18 Phone: 03-6263-2011 www.sabirthginza.com
Sabas store information of the whole country: https://www.sabirth.com/shop/