Supporting the future of restaurants that were refraining from business due to the influence of the new coronavirus! Crowdfunding start! !!
The Ginza Culinary and Food Industry Association and Ginza Japanese Culinary Union will launch a crowdfunding "Ginza Mirai Ticket" with the aim of supporting restaurants affected by the Coronal Evil.
After the declaration of an emergency, many restaurants in Ginza have resumed operations, but sales have fallen below 20% to 30% of the previous year, which is less than half the current level of activity. We want to protect the history of Ginza, the taste, skill, hospitality, and culture of Ginza. Overcoming this situation, we hope that as many customers as possible can enjoy a delicious time with peace of mind. To more attractive Ginza through food. With this in mind, we launched this project.
This project will utilize the new type coronavirus support program of the crowdfunding site CAMPFIRE, and from June 26, 2020, we will start recruiting support mainly for crowdfunding. Approximately 70 stores will participate at the time of start, and the support content will start from 3,000 yen per unit, and the target amount will be set at 20 million yen.
<Flow from ticket purchase to use>
When purchasing tickets, please select from the participating stores and be sure to enter the supporting "store name" in the "remarks column". In this project, no ticket is issued without specifying a store (it can be used at any participating store).
Participating stores are featured in a special video on the special page "ONLINE Gin-Bura" ( https://online-ginbura.com/ ), which is planned to increase.
In addition to food and drink tickets, we are also considering "online experience with ONLINE Gin bra" as the return content.
■Project Name: Mirai Ginza Ticket ■Project Page: https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/295313 (in CAMPFIRE site)
■ QR code
■Sponsor: Ginza Food and Beverage Industry Federation/Ginza Japanese Food Association ■Secretariat: Ginza Gai Bar Executive Committee ■Application period: June 26 to August 23, 2020 (planned)
■Target amount: 20 million yen ■Participating stores: Approximately 70 stores (planned to increase at the start of the project)
■Support contents: Select from meal ticket (3,000 yen ticket / 5,000 yen ticket / 10,000 yen ticket / 50,000 yen ticket / 100,000 yen ticket) Lunch time can also be used Return content other than food and drink ticket "Silver bra online experience Is also under consideration!
<Detailed schedule>
■June 26-August 23, 2020 (planned): Call for crowdfunding support ■August 23, 2020: Completion of the project, start of aggregation ■September 7, 2020: Start of ticket use * Expiration date: Until March 6, 2021 (excluding December)
■September 30, 2020: Deposit from CAMPFIRE → Transfer to each store
<Message from the founder>
Founder (from left)
Naoto Yako (Director, Ginza Naruto/Ginza Japanese Cuisine Association), Taichi Takeuchi (Ginza Tosa Cuisine, Naki Houki), Mamoru Sugiyama (Chairman, Ginza Sushi Sachi Honten/Ginza Cuisine Restaurant Association), Aki Shirasaka (Japanese Cuisine Hotanohana) ), Koichiro Kida (Bengantei), Masaru Seki (Ippa Tempura)
Mamoru Sugiyama (Chairman of the Ginza Sushi Sachi Main Store/Ginza Restaurant Association)
"We all started with the hope that we could have as many customers as possible to have a meal or a drink. We are waiting for you in the town of Ginza."
*The messages of all founders are now available on YouTube!
<List of participating stores> *As of June 26, plans to increase in the future
<Message from the store>
Japanese Cuisine Hohana /Store Owner Aki Shirasaka “Ginza has been in a very difficult situation due to the influence of the new coronavirus, but I would like to preserve the taste, skill, hospitality, and culture of Ginza. We look forward to your cooperation."
Tsukiji Sato / Young Woman General Rika Sato
"Sato", which was ranked third in the world in the French movie "Steak Revolution", worked with a contract farmer to create the original brand "Beef of Ancient". We would appreciate it if you could help us to leave a beef cattle farmer who will raise the world-famous Japanese beef to future generations.
Wine warehouse TOKYO / owner Masamitsu Nakagawa
Currently, we have acquired a limited-time liquor sales license and are taking out and delivering wine to connect. We want to fill the empty wine cellar and welcome you.
* In addition, messages from participating stores will be released on "ONLINE Gin Bra" ( https://online-ginbura.com/ )!
<Customer inquiries>
Ginza Town Bar Executive Committee
TEL: 03-3538-8011 * Corresponding time 10:00-18:00 (Monday-Friday)
E-mail: info@ichigin.jp
*Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be inquired on the following Monday.